I'm about to get super nerdy right now. Can we just talk a little about planners? Organizers? What ever you want to call them?! I love organizing and planning and I can't live without my planner ( IRL version, the digital stuff is not quite the same). I've been using planners since college and throughout the years, I've had all sorts ... loose leaf ring-bound planners, big spiraled planners, undated planners, large desk size ones, tiny pocket sized ones, digital planners (disclosure: I do use those for longer term goals), weekly and daily planners. You name 'em, I've tried them. At the end of the day and having gone through the Forest Gump run down of planner types, I've settled on what I consider a classic planner. The Moleskine weekly planner ... It's the perfect size that I can fit easily in my bag and the design and layout is minimalist. Not to mention, the weekly planner has the configuration type that works for me ( weekly with a space for to-do list ). I've been on a Moleskine kick for at least 10 years now. I'm so dependent on my planner, I don't know how people function without one, but then again we are talking about my handicap. I cannot remember jack s*&t and I'm so visual that I have to write everything down, pretty much immediately. This helps me remember and structure my tasks and get organized. I am a very organized person but that's because I absolutely use the tools at my disposal. There is even a specific system of prioritizing things in my planner and the satisfaction of crossing things off is just the best. In fact, I'm about to cross posting this blog post off my list in about 10 minutes and I'm already looking forward to it! I even have a special pen and highlighter that I use on my Moleskine ( also always in my bag ), but I won't talk about that right now because it will really reveal how strange I am and well, somethings just need to be left a mystery.

Years of Moleskin Planners
Until recently, I didn't realize this #plannerlove phenomenon was such a big deal. Since I've always used a planner, it seemed so normal to me but now I realize it's a legit THING. People are using motivational planners for daily and life goals, themed planners (travel, food, exercise, etc.) and this bullet journaling is huge. There are stickers and colored markers and drawings and tabs, oh my! It's almost too much for me because I like to keep things simple. My planner is essential my running to-do list that I allocate days to, I don't even use it as a calendar scheduling function. It's pretty cool that there is the perfect Goldilocks planner for everyone and I myself am open to switching from my beloved Moleskine ( just to see what else is out there, although I'm sure I'll go back to my first love ). For 2022, I'm looking into these comparable style planners that seem to be similar to the one that I'm used to ... which one should I pick?!

As I mentioned, part of my obsession with the planner is to always have it with me. It's the perfect accompaniment to the Notebooks & Honey bag, which even has a designated pocket for notebooks ( laptop or paper version, or both). Of course, don't forget about the adorable No Probs Llama undated planner in the Curated Collection shop; it's undated so you can start your new planner habit at any time. I'm trying my best to help spread the movement ... Until next, keep on planning planners.