Can you believe it?! It's a week until Thanksgiving, the official start of the holiday season, and if you haven't started/finished gift shopping yet, I'm hoping that this guide will give you the nudge you need to make it over the finish line. As you know, Notebooks & Honey is branded as the "ultimate modern tote bag", use it as both a diaper bag and laptop bag ( and of course, everyday carryall bag). Check out Notebooks & Honey's back story for the history behind the brand, but to sum it up, I'm "Notebooks" and my daughter is "Honey". Notebooks represents the laptop/adulting side and Honey is the diaper/kid side and although she's not a baby anymore (hello ... we are elbows deep in #tween years), the legacy of "Honey" and the need to have a multi-tasking bag for busy women/moms still persists.
For this holiday gift guide, I want to give you a Team Notebooks and Team Honey curated guide to not only showcase the various ways to use the bag, but also show what great things you can get to go IN the bag. I hope you enjoy ... but first a shameless and obligatory spotlight on the actual Notebooks & Honey bag . Ready?! Ahem ... Notebooks & Honey totes are a beautiful, thoughtfully designed, versatile everyday bag! Gift one to your favorite bag lover! Okay, there, enjoy the show!

ONE: Great tall water bottle that will fit in the Notebooks & Honey's interior bottle holders. Love all the components of the bottle and that it comes in so many designs, I'm sure you will find one that is a perfect fit for you.
TWO: These retro kraft notebooks are super popular and available in three colors (although the link only shows the yellow). The pages are blank which not only reminds me of the Taylor Swift song, but also gifts you the liberty to doodle or jot down your thoughts freely.
THREE: If you have been following Notebooks & Honey on social, you know that I am loyal, LOYAL, to Moleskine planners. I use this type of weekly planner because it allows me to make a big picture weekly "to do" list on the right side and then I filter them into the appropriate days on the left side. #plannerlove
FOUR: I have this very laptop cover (in YELLOW), which I love and get many compliments on; there are so many fun colors, you will surely find one that suits your personality.
FIVE: I'm obsessed with these bamboo straws and love that they come with their own travel pouch, also each pouch holds several straws, for you and the kiddos.
SIX: Hey pineapple lovers! Need a make up bag, small first aid kit, small pouch for your random purse items?
SEVEN: Having a baby or kids means they are constantly demanding snacks, get these stackable snack pots for those Nom Nom Nom emergencies.
EIGHT: I wish these existed when my kids were small, love these BPA-free Scandinavian designed pacifiers. Who says good design can't start from a super young age?
NINE: These color schemed sippy cups come in wonderful hues. I love that the design is in the simplicity and color intention, no gimmicky cartoon characters here!
TEN: Again, wish this natural / organic trend was happening when my kids were babies because I'm all about the aesthetic and simplicity behind these brands. Available in 2 colors.
ELEVEN: If you have a baby that relies on a pacifier, you know that pacifier clips are just the best accessory and why not get a super cute one that goes with all the outfits? Available in 2 colors.
TWELVE: These organic burb cloths are simple and sweet and best of all, the thickness makes the cloth durable and extremely useful even after the baby phase is over ... you can use it as a bath cloth, a cleaning rag, etc.