This post will be short, but important nevertheless, because it’s something that has been on my mind and is of the moment. I want to talk about kids going back to school. I’m sure we have all read statistics, consulted doctors, other parents, worried about teachers, fretted about our kids physical and mental safety so I don’t necessarily want to touch on those topics. It’s basically something that we, as parents, have been thinking about and have contended with all summer. Whether you are sending your kid(s) to school (physically), remotely, virtually or hybrid-ly (okay, not a real word, but I mean all of the above in some capacity), let us be there for each other and see each other through to the other side. That is what I want to say, from parent to parent, we are all in this together.

I'm going to call this the "Unpredictable Year Planner"
It’s mid-August and we are almost half a year into the COVID pandemic without much of an end in sight. The much anticipated vaccine is coming but maybe not enough people will get vaccinated, clubs are hopping (insert massive eye roll), not enough people are wearing masks and now, us parents have to grapple with our kids going back to school safely. I’m appalled and heartbroken. Mamma Bear is coming out now, ‘cause you don’t mess with the kids.
I don’t feel that I have much control of this situation, besides the little things that we should all do to keep our communities safe, wash up, mask up etc., however, the biggest thing I think I can do to impact the direction of this virus is to VOTE. The biggest election of our lifetime is just a few months away and I’m super excited and hopeful. I’ve requested my mail in voting ballot and plan to send it in the first day that I can to make sure that my vote counts. This is too important … don’t mess with the kids.

(photo: Pinterest / Ana Jaks )